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Walk Along Water

A walking tour from Lago Bianco to Le Prese, from freezing cold glacial lakes to the Mediterranean shores of Lago di Poschiavo.

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Summer 2021 Walk Along Water 06 DJI 0630 Ecirgb
Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Summer 2021 Walk Along Water 02 DJI 0458 Ecirgb

9am - Bright Lookouts

The train ride from St. Moritz, past the Morteratsch glacier, offers the first spectacular views of the day. And there are many more to come. Before heading south after arriving at the station of Ospizio Bernina, make sure to visit photographer Guido Baselgia’s Camera Obscura. It is just a short walk from the station. Afterwards, follow the trail along Lago Bianco until you reach Alp Grüm. A few steps south of the lake, the idyllic scenery of the Valposchiavo takes over. Flowers bloom at the wayside, and the warm southern air is filled with sweet and spicy smells of herbs and tree resin.

Hike — Start at OSPIZIO BERNINA, to visit Camera Obscura: T. +41 (0)81 830 00 60
camera-obscura.ch - Ospizio Bernina to Alp Grüm, 1 ½ hours

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Summer 2021 Walk Along Water 01 DJI 0437 Lago Di Poschiavo Ecirgb

11am - The Poschiavo balcony

Hikers often take a well-deserved break when they reach the Albergo Ristorante Belvedere on Alp Grüm. Enjoy a cool drink while admiring the impressive Palü glacier and its frozen water resources. The view of the valley below is just as rewarding; if you look closely, you can spot people taking a stroll along Lago di Poschiavo, enjoying their ice creams.

Taking a break — Albergo Ristorante Belvedere, ALP GRÜM

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Summer 2021 Walk Along Water 06 DJI 0630 Ecirgb

Noon - A delicious Alpine lunch

After leaving Alp Grüm, the pleasant trail takes you through larch forests and down to the Alpe Palü. Time for a delicious, wholesome lunch. Ilaria Vitali serves local specialties – polenta, pizzoccheri, barley broth – with an Italian touch at the Agriturismo Alpe Palü. She uses the Alpe’s own meat and eggs. Their animals spend their summer grazing the pasture nearby and on Alp Varuna.

Lunch — Agriturismo Alpe Palü, June – October, T. +41 (0)79 414 41 14
(advance reservations are appreciated)

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Summer 2021 Walk Along Water 05 K68A0583 Richtung Gletschermühlen Cavaglia Ecirgb

2pm - Kneipp therapy in ice-cold water

A tip for summiteers: pleasure hikers prefer heading directly to Cavaglia. However, taking a detour via Lagh da Caralin is very reward-ing. You may have to cross some snowy patches, but it is worth making the effort. Half a dozen waterfalls plunge into the glacial lake. Lagh da Caralin is a solitary place, an enchanting stone arena played on both visually and acoustically by the cascading water. And the ice-cold pool is ideal for treading water.

Treading water — ALPE PALÜ to LAGH DA CARALIN and back
Difference in altitude of 393 m, approx. 2 hours

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Summer 2021 Walk Along Water 04 K68A0699 Gletschermühlen Ecirgb

4pm - Cavaglia glacier garden

When leaving the Alpe Palü, heading towards Cavaglia, the trail leads along the Cavagliagasch stream, where volunteers of the Giardino dei Ghiacciai Cavaglia club have created a garden for visitors. They invested 150,000 hours to clear 32 glacial mills. Their new, equally spectacular project, the gorge below the glacier garden, is scheduled to open for visitors in spring 2021.

Explore — Glacier garden, CAVAGLIA, free admission, tours on request.

Swiss Deluxe Hotels Stories Summer 2021 Walk Along Water 03 K68A0827 Lago Di Poschiavo Ecirgb

5pm - On to Lago di Poschiavo

The Rhaetian Railway RhB will take you from Cavaglia down to Le Prese. On Lago di Poschiavo, a day filled with mountain air and southern charm comes to an end, with a drink on the terrace of the venerable Hotel Le Prese or a romantic boat ride. The journey back to St. Moritz follows the route of your walk along water.

Boats & Drinks — Hotel Le Prese.

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