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Switzerland Luxury Hotel ST 3X2 MMS Olympic City Lausanne 76634

Discover the best of the Lake Geneva region (Vaud)

High living and hidden corners

A captivating destination offering a congenial blend of natural beauty, cultural richness and cosmopolitan charm.

Lake Geneva Region (Vaud) Overview

Stretching from the shimmering waters of Lake Geneva to the snow-capped peaks of the Alps, this Lake Geneva region is home to some of the most picturesque landscapes in Europe. The region's cosmopolitan hub, Geneva, is a vibrant city that pulses with energy, offering world-class dining, shopping, and cultural experiences. Beyond the city limits, visitors can discover charming villages, lush vineyards, and peaceful countryside.

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Presidents, prime ministers, the royals, half of Hollywood and London’s high society have all enjoyed the privilege of sitting at Anton Mosimann’s table. The only way to top this exclusive experience is to dine with him. Switzerland’s most famous chef is the perfect old-school gentleman and a walking history book. We had the privilege of accompanying him on his rally through half of Switzerland – in the slipstream of his fiery red Jaguar XKR8.

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Faster, higher, stronger: visiting the Lausanne Palace, over whose entrances hangs a flag with the Olympic rings, with a muscular Labrador. The hotel is a dream destination for all dogs, from the sporty to the pleasure-oriented. Fortunately, chocolate, cheese and wine doping for the master is legal here.

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With a stunning rooftop terrace offering breathtaking views of the lake, an impressive wine list and an elegant, minimalist interior, the Izumi has everything for the international jet set.

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With its imposing neo-baroque architecture and sprawling, verdant gardens, the Palace, as it is known locally, has remained a sought-after destination for over 160 years for those seeking an indulgent experience in one of Switzerland’s most breathtaking settings.

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Vevey and Lake Geneva seen from the iconic Terrace on Mont Pèlerin – today it would never be possible to build it as wide and impressive. A veritable piazza on the mountain.

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Genevan wines are produced in a wine-growing area measuring more than 1,400 hectares, with only two other Swiss cantons having larger wine-growing areas. The West-Swiss vintages are always considered to be a hot tip outside of their home region. With a large range of grape varieties and a great deal of innovative spirit, Genevan wine growers know how to set themselves apart from their competition, as Peter Keller writes.

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05 – 20 July 2024 // The Festival is famous for its exceptional heritage and legendary concerts. With its intimate ambience and renowned hospitality, it offers a unique experience for artists and public alike.

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